Decadent Raspberry Chocolate Heart

Featured in Sweet treats that make you happy.

This isn't just dessert—it's a love letter on a plate. Every layer is crafted with care: moist raspberry sponge cake, creamy chocolate mousse tinged with tonka, and a glossy pink glaze. A true sweet creation perfect for winning over someone special.
Maria from tastyhush
Last updated Sun, 23 Feb 2025 12:50:28 GMT
Raspberry and Chocolate Heart for Valentine's Day Save Recipe
Raspberry and Chocolate Heart for Valentine's Day |

The Raspberry-Chocolate Hearts epitomize French pastry excellence. This elegant dessert combines rich dark chocolate with bright, tart raspberries, enhanced by aromatic tonka bean. Each bite reveals carefully crafted textures and flavors, from the tender sponge cake to the stunning mirror glaze finish.

During a recent family tasting, my discerning mother-in-law, an accomplished home baker, was thoroughly impressed by the harmony of flavors. Success lies in using quality ingredients and maintaining proper temperatures throughout the process.

Essential Ingredients Guide

  • 70% Dark Chocolate - Select premium couverture chocolate with pronounced cocoa notes. The chocolate quality directly affects the mousse texture
  • Raspberries - Frozen berries work perfectly for the compote as they're picked at peak ripeness. Choose firm, bright red fresh raspberries for garnish
  • Tonka Bean - Use sparingly as its potent aroma should enhance not overpower the chocolate. Grate just before using to preserve the fragrance
  • Heavy Cream - Minimum 30% fat content is crucial for mousse stability. Refrigerate for 24 hours before use

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Madeleine Sponge Base
* Sift flour and baking powder to eliminate lumps
* Use melted butter at the right temperature to avoid cooking the egg
* Whip eggs and sugar until pale and fluffy (5 minutes)
* Fold flour gently to maintain lightness
* Arrange frozen raspberries evenly across batter
2. Raspberry Compote Center
* Heat puree slowly to preserve flavor
* Blend sugar and pectin thoroughly before adding
* Boil exactly one minute for ideal texture
* Chill completely for proper setting
3. Chocolate-Tonka Mousse
* Melt chocolate gently over water bath, not exceeding 45°C
* Add hot cream in three stages for stable emulsion
* Whip cream to soft but firm peaks for airy mousse
* Pipe carefully to avoid air pockets
4. Mirror Glaze Finish
* Monitor glaze temperature precisely - above 35°C becomes transparent, below 28°C too thick
* Use kitchen thermometer for accuracy
* Blend thoroughly to remove air bubbles
* Strain before using for perfect smoothness
5. Rocher Coating
* Toast almonds until fragrant - watch color carefully
* Blend two chocolates for depth of flavor
* Grapeseed oil ensures lasting shine and snap
* Work quickly as coating sets fast

This recipe has become a family tradition where my daughter handles the glazing while I manage the assembly. These shared moments make the process even more special.

Tempering Technique

Perfect mirror glaze depends on precise tempering. This technique was taught to me by a Parisian chocolatier who emphasized the importance of patience and precision.

Texture Elements

Each component plays a vital role in the taste experience. The contrast between soft cake and crisp rocher coating creates an unforgettable textural symphony.

Selecting Raspberries

Raspberry quality significantly impacts the final result. Summer garden raspberries picked at peak ripeness are ideal. Outside of season, frozen berries make an excellent substitute.

Raspberry and Chocolate Heart - Gourmet Valentine's Day Dessert Save Recipe
Raspberry and Chocolate Heart - Gourmet Valentine's Day Dessert |

Timing Strategy

Success relies on meticulous organization. A detailed timeline ensures each component is ready at the right moment.

These techniques were refined over years of practice and professional training that taught me the importance of precision.

Final Reflection: These raspberry-chocolate hearts represent the essence of French pastry - perfect balance of technique and creativity, tradition and innovation. Each preparation recalls shared kitchen moments, learning experiences, and the joy of serving. This isn't just dessert - it's an opportunity to create lasting culinary memories.

Recipe Tips

→ How much time does it take to make this dessert?
Set aside about 6-8 hours to prepare, with most parts made the day before and assembly done on the day you’re serving it.
→ Can the recipe be made easier?
Sure, you can simplify it by skipping some intricate techniques and making a simpler heart-shaped cake.
→ How do I store this dessert?
Keep it in the fridge for up to 24 hours. Take it out 10 minutes before serving for the best flavors and textures.
→ Where do I find the special ingredients?
Tonka beans and pectin are usually sold in specialty stores or pastry supply shops.
→ Is it possible to freeze this dessert?
Yes, you can freeze it before adding the glaze. Let it thaw overnight in the fridge before serving.

Romantic Heart Treat Valentine

A heart-shaped masterpiece combining chocolate, raspberries, and a touch of tonka.

Prep Time
240 Minutes
Cooking Time
30 Minutes
Total Time
270 Minutes
By: Maria

Category: Desserts

Skill Level: Tricky

Style: Haute Gastronomie Française

Makes: 8 Serves (8 portions en forme de cœurs)

Diet Type: Veggie


→ Biscuit Madeleine Framboise

01 65 g de farine T45
02 2 g de levure chimique
03 35 g de sucre granulé
04 15 g de miel biologique
05 1 œuf
06 65 g de beurre
07 Une pincée de sel
08 Des framboises congelées - selon la quantité souhaitée

→ Compotée de Framboises

09 200 g de purée de framboises
10 25 g de sucre granulé
11 3 g de pectine NH

→ Mousse Chocolat-Tonka

12 200 g de chocolat noir à 70%
13 200 g de crème entière liquide (1)
14 200 g de crème entière liquide (2)
15 Un quart d'une fève de tonka

→ Glaçage Miroir Rose Pastel

16 9 g de gélatine à 200 bloom
17 80 g d'eau
18 150 g de sucre granulé
19 150 g de glucose
20 100 g de lait concentré sans sucre
21 150 g de chocolat blanc
22 Colorant rose/rouge hydrosoluble - à ajuster selon les besoins

→ Glaçage Rocher aux Amandes

23 100 g de chocolat au lait
24 125 g de chocolat noir à 70%
25 30 g d'huile de pépins de raisins
26 60 g d'amandes grillées

→ Finition

27 Des framboises fraîches - en déco
28 Des flèches en chocolat noir - pour garnir
29 De la poudre alimentaire dorée - pour parsemer

Let's Cook

Step 01

Faites fondre le beurre. Tamisez la farine avec la levure. Fouettez l'œuf avec le sucre et le sel. Incorporez la farine, le beurre refroidi et le miel. Versez cette préparation dans un cercle beurré et ajoutez quelques framboises congelées sur le dessus. Faites cuire à 200°C pendant 10 minutes. Découpez ensuite 8 formes en cœur.

Step 02

Mélangez ensemble le sucre et la pectine. Chauffez la purée de framboises et ajoutez le mélange précédent. Portez à ébullition pendant une minute. Versez cette préparation dans un cercle chemisé et congeler pendant au moins 3 heures. Découpez ensuite en 8 cœurs.

Step 03

Faites fondre le chocolat. Laissez infuser la fève de tonka dans la crème (1). Versez cette crème chaude sur le chocolat. Montez la crème (2) en chantilly. Intégrez-la délicatement au mélange. Remplissez des moules avec cette mousse et ajoutez l'insert de compotée. Laissez prendre au congélateur toute la nuit.

Step 04

Faites ramollir la gélatine. Chauffez l'eau avec le sucre et le glucose à une température de 102°C. Versez le liquide sur le chocolat blanc fondu. Ajoutez la gélatine et le lait concentré. Colorez le mélange en rose puis placez au frais.

Step 05

Grillez les amandes pendant 30 minutes à 150°C. Faites fondre les deux chocolats et mélangez-les avec l'huile et les amandes grillées. Glacez les biscuits de manière uniforme.

Step 06

Faites chauffer le glaçage miroir. Démoulez les cœurs congelés et glacez-les quand le glaçage atteint 30-32°C. Placez-les délicatement sur les biscuits madeleine. Garnissez avec une framboise fraîche, une flèche en chocolat et un peu de poudre dorée. Réfrigérez pendant 3 heures avant de servir.


  1. Dessert conçu pour célébrer la Saint-Valentin
  2. Prenez en compte les différentes préparations nécessaires
  3. Facile à préparer à l'avance
  4. Laissez reposer à température ambiante pendant 10 minutes avant de servir

What You'll Need

  • Cercles de cuisson
  • Moules individuels pour entremets
  • Four domestique
  • Un batteur électrique
  • Emporte-pièce en forme de cœur

Allergy Notes

Check ingredients for allergens and talk to your doctor if unsure.
  • Produit avec des œufs
  • Contient des produits laitiers
  • Inclut du gluten
  • Présence de fruits à coque

Nutrition Per Serving

Values are estimates and should not replace professional dietary advice.
  • Calories: 450
  • Total Fat: 32.7 g
  • Total Carbs: 35.5 g
  • Protein: 6.3 g