01 -
Slice the endives into quarters, then cook them slowly in 25 grams of butter over low heat for 25 minutes until lightly golden.
02 -
Pour the remaining melted butter into a round baking pan and sprinkle in the sugar. Heat the oven to 200°C.
03 -
Arrange the endives in a circular pattern at the base of the pan, add the goat cheese slices, sprinkle half the Provençal herbs, then season with salt and pepper.
04 -
Cover it all with the puff pastry, tucking the edges snugly between the endives and the sides of the pan.
05 -
Place the pan in the oven for 20 minutes until the pastry turns golden and crispy.
06 -
Flip the tart onto a plate and sprinkle with the leftover Provençal herbs.