01 -
Blend the flour, egg, yogurt, baking powder, and salt together, either by hand or with a mixer. Knead it for about 10-15 minutes until it’s smooth and elastic.
02 -
Cut the dough into six equal balls. Roll each one out and put 2 Laughing Cow cheese pieces in the middle (let the cheese sit out for 30 minutes before starting).
03 -
Seal the edges of the dough around the cheese by pinching it tightly. Lay it on a floured tray, cover it with a cloth, and pop it in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
04 -
Roll each ball flat with a rolling pin. Place it in a hot, dry pan without butter or oil, cook until it puffs up, then flip it over.
05 -
Spread butter over the naan once they’re done cooking and keep them warm under a cover. Serve them right away.