01 -
Dice the chorizo into small pieces (set half of it aside for later). Slice up the leek thinly, and mince the garlic.
02 -
Heat up half the chorizo in a big pot. Toss in the sliced leek and minced garlic. Add a bit of butter if it needs it.
03 -
Once the leek looks a bit see-through, throw in pieces of cauliflower. Pour in enough of the milk and broth mix to cover everything. Let it gently simmer for about 20–30 minutes.
04 -
Season it with salt and pepper, then blend until smooth. Tweak the texture by adding more milk, cream, or broth, depending on what you prefer.
05 -
Fry up the remaining chorizo, toast and crush the hazelnuts. Serve up the soup with chorizo, hazelnuts, and fresh parsley on top.